
Showing posts from August, 2020

Aruba: The Island of Giants

 For me, quarantine has made me loathe where I live. That sounds pretty bad, but it is very much true. I'm tired of seeing the same off-white houses, the same old mister walking his tiny shi-tzu around the block, and the same neon lit fast food signs. I want to go somewhere in the Caribbean where the beaches stretch for miles and the sun beams for hours. I want to go to Aruba! And I want you to come with me!! Before we pack a bag and go 1,634 miles towards the Caribbean, there are a few things we should know about Aruba. When should I visit Aruba? Book accordingly to your schedule!! Though it is important to note that there are high and low seasons on the island. The high season runs from December to March and the low season goes from April to November. Carnival is a huge part of the high season and Aruba's island celebration!  What is Carnival? Carnival is a celebration of life, music, and people! The first Aruba Carnival arrived in 1955 which led to the creation of clubs and